Thursday, June 5, 2008

this, that, and t'other

This: Successfully completed my first day as volunteer for Heinrich: stuffed & stamped envelopes. Part of this was in fact "skilled" labor: the letters were addressed to individuals - hence the mailing label had to match the enclosed letter!

That: one of my Opera Southwest chorus colleagues was a fellow volunteer.

More "that": I was greeted by name when I walked in the door, by a fellow I didn't recognize. He remembered me from door-to-door petition drive a few months ago. I think I ought to take lessons from Carl on remembering names!

Still more "that": most volunteers were retirees - today is, after all, a weekday - who but retirees has the time? There were two notable exceptions: a pair of 10 yr old girls, there with grandma. Both labored conscientiously, stamping & labeling. One admitted that this was a lot more fun than staying home.

now to t'other: The Grand Conspiracy Theory.
Devoted readers will recall my "grand conspiracy theory": Cheney orchestrates "terrorist" attack on U.S. on Halloween. W declares state of emergency, adjourns Congress, cancels elections.

Question: what would prevent this? If our "Commander in Chief" chose to stage a coup, what could stop him?

Have a nice day.

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