Saturday, August 9, 2008

... in other news

Georgia: In 'state of war' with Russia

I won't pretend to understand this.

All I know for certain is that when W took office, our troops weren't in any wars, there was a budget surplus of $230Bn, oil was trading at $32/bbl, gas was $1.45/gal, and Russia wasn't at war with Georgia.

There's a wonderful cartoon over at C&L. Haven't yet learned html, so I'll verbally describe it:
Picture of Reagan.
Caption: "Fiscal Conservative"
Result: down-arrow, "$200Bn+ deficit"

Picture of H.W. Bush
Caption "Fiscal Conservative"
Result: down-arrow, "$300Bn deficit"

Picture of Clinton
Caption: "Tax and spend Liberal"
Result: up-arrow, "$200Bn+ surplus"

Picture of W
Caption: "Fiscal Conservative"
Result: "$482Bn deficit"

Final frame:
Picture of McCain
Caption: "My friends, you'll be pleased to know I'm a fiscal conservative."
I'd like to pin the Little Ice Age (16th century - 19th century) on W, but can't seem to manage it and still maintain a semblance of intellectual honesty. Otherwise:
We've poured $600Bn down the drain that is Iraq.

Osama bin Laden (remember him?) is still at large.

Oil is trading at $120/bbl; gas-at-the-pump is hovering just under $4/gal.

... and now: Russia has invaded Georgia!
... oh, yeah:
Michael Phelps set a world record in taking his first Gold Medal at the 2008 Olympics:
4:3.84 in the 400m IM
Congratulations, Mr. Phelps!

Are we there yet?

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