Can you say, "Iraq Study Group."
Recall how in the weeks leading up to the release of the Baker-Hamilton Iraq Study Group's final report, the talk was all about how this bi-partisan production would provide W with a face-saving way out of his Iraq fiasco. The "old men" of Bush 41's administration would ride to the rescue of Bush 43. At last W - and the country - would have a path out of Iraq!
Didn't happen.
Why? Because W simply ignored the ISG report, choosing instead to announce "the surge" within a month of the ISG Report's publication. W treated the The Iraq Study Group Report as a quaint, historical document the moment it was published.
Some are now suggesting that the release of the latest Iran NIE is another attempt by Bush 41's wise old men to rescue Bush 43. (see, e.g., Did Gates Force Bush to Release a Humiliating NIE?.)
What has been W's response?
"Bush keeps up pressure on Tehran".
By TERENCE HUNT, AP White House Correspondent
4 Dec 2007
"WASHINGTON - President Bush said Tuesday that the international community should continue to pressure Iran on its nuclear programs, asserting Tehran remains dangerous..."
... and his neocon enablers are out in force as well:
Dark Suspicions about the NIE
Norman Podhoretz - 12.03.2007
"... But I entertain an even darker suspicion. It is that the intelligence community, which has for some years now been leaking material calculated to undermine George W. Bush, is doing it again."
We can expect this and similar arguments to flow from Podhoretz, Wm. Kristol, and lesser-lights among the chicken hawks.
They will note that the "liberal" media, so quick to deride in hindsight the NIEs regarding Iraq WMD, are now equally quick to accept an Iran NIE that corresponds to their "liberal agenda". They will likely use phrases like, "the liberal media want us to lose the war on terror", "the liberal media seize on anything that is anti-American," and so on.
Sean Hannity - with the advantage of Podhoretz's implicit support - will use the Iran NIE as evidence of the CIA's anti-W cabal, from which Valerie Plame was ousted.
... ah, yes! But what about the Democrats?
Ever-fearful of being labeled "weak on terror", they'll obediently roll over and play dead. Heck, to assert their foreign-policy & anti-terror cred, they might even join the, "Why should we believe this NIE" chorus. Rove may be out, but he was a very effective trainer - it'll take a while for our fearless Democratic leaders to unlearn the lessons he taught 'em!
Change the game? Come on folks, this is the W Administration! Let's not be too quick to forget their history!
Earnings on Medium
3 weeks ago
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