Tuesday, December 11, 2007

May we return to smoke-filled rooms? PLEASE!

I frequently comment to friends & colleagues that I couldn't have hand-picked a better slate of Republican presidential wannabes.

Unfortunately, I suspect my Republican counterparts might say the same about the current crop of Democratic presidential wannabes.

This is the best America has to offer?

I believe we need a law to the effect that anyone who VOLUNTEERS to be a Presidential candidate is, by that very act of volunteering, automatically disqualified from running!

My view of the past is as warped as anyone's, but REALLY: how did we get Huckabee-Giuliani-Romney vs Clinton-Obama? (I've really nothing against Obama - I just happen to agree with some pundit that the Presidency isn't an entry-level position!)

Anyone for a return to the time-honored smoke-filled room? We couldn't do any worse!

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