Thursday, April 17, 2008

arrogance & ignorance

[Aside: may I suggest this post's title as a decent title for a book on W's foreign policy?]
Rice says Arabs must shield Iraq from Iran's sway
By Sue Pleming
Thu Apr 17, 2008
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said on Thursday she would press Iraq's Arab neighbors hard next week to do more to support Baghdad's government and shield it from Iran's "nefarious influences."
"What they need to do is confirm and work for Iraq's Arab identity," she said. "That in and of itself will begin to shield (Iraq) from influences of Iran that are nefarious influences," Rice said at a news conference.
Who are we to tell Iraq's neighbors what to do? We created this chaos. Deliberately. By choice. Based on our arrogance & ignorance.

"Iraq's Arab identity"? ... What about the Kurds? Remember? The ethnic group that controls the only stable part of Iraq???

Most of Iraq's Arab citizens confess Iran's Shi'ism - not Saudi, Syrian, Jordanian, Kuwaiti Sunnism.

Given the ethnic & religious strife now rending Iraq, is it really appropriate to appeal to ethnicity as a unifying principle?... and invite Iraq's Arab neighbors to start participating in Iraq's internal ethnic strife?

... and why must we continue to demonize Iran? [I note that we're talking to the third member of the "axis of evil": North Korea!... and they already have nuclear capability!]

Who's responsible for the vast majority of violence in Iraq? We are.

Condi: take a vacation.

Stop the madness!

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