Thursday, April 24, 2008

A personal tactical objective

For the past few years, Grant Barrett, lexicographer-at-large, has published a NYT article on neologisms: words and phrases that have, at least temporarily, entered the English language.

I have a nominee for this year's list: "W".

Used as a predicate adjective, the equivalent of FUBAR:
"This situation if FUBAR."
This situation is W.
Used as a verb, the equivalent of "to screw the pooch":
"He really screwed the pooch on that one!"
He really W'd that one!
Used as a noun, the equivalent of "reverse Midas touch"
"Whatever he touches turns to shit."
He has W.
This is a really fun challenge to my readers: use "W" frequently in daily conversation, emails, webposts... let's get it included in next year's list!

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