British sailors captured by Iran were in disputed waters: report
16 Apr 2008
LONDON (AFP) - Fifteen British troops who were held by Iran for two weeks last year were in disputed waters when they were captured, not in Iraqi waters as the government had publicly claimed, The Times reported Thursday.
Citing documents released by the defence ministry under Freedom of Information laws, the newspaper said the contingent of Britons was captured because the US-led coalition in Iraq had unilaterally designated a maritime boundary for Iraq and Iran without informing the latter.
We draw the lines, but we don't tell anyone else where we drew 'em... then we get all huffy when the other guy acts like he doesn't know where the lines are!
Key word: unilaterally. We just upped & decided where the border was.
Suppose Cuba were to decide on its own where Cuba ends and Florida begins... without telling us. There could be lots of rather unhappy sports fishermen landing in Cuban jails!... but Raul could cite U.S. precedent for his actions!
Will I still be alive when the damage W has done is finally fully repaired?
I think the actuaries are agin' me!
Stop the madness!
Earnings on Medium
3 weeks ago
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