Monday, November 24, 2008

An anniversary I forgot (but meant to remember!)

It's not often one can date with precision - down to the day - the origin of a new word or phrase.

A specific instance that can be precisely dated is the phrase, "drink the kool-aid", which derives from the Jonestown mass murder/suicide on 18 Nov 1978.

The online Urban Dictionary provides three related meanings:
1. One lasting legacy of the Jonestown tragedy is the saying, “Don’t drink the Kool-Aid.” This has come to mean, "Don’t trust any group you find to be a little on the kooky side." or "Whatever they tell you, don't believe it too strongly".

The phrase can also be used in the opposite sense to indicate that one has embraced a particular philosophy or perspective.
Alice: Hey, did you hear that Joe is working on the Nader campaign?
Bob: Yeah, he really drank the Kool-Aid on that one.

Chris: I'm thinking about attending a PETA rally
Donna: Whatever you do, don't drink the Kool-Aid!

2. To completely buy into an idea or system, whether good or bad.
Coach Bellichick got his players to drink the kool-aid.

3. Going along with what a crowd desires. Often used when a person changes positions on a topic.
Dave got a haircut and a new suit. Looks like his company is making him drink the kool-aid.
I note that in my final job before retirement I was often accused of not drinking the kool-aid.


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