Monday, November 24, 2008

One more look at $7.76 trillion

Current population of U.S. ~ 300,000,000.
$7.76 trillion represents just over $25,000 per person.

Now, I've got fairly pricey individual health insurance, running just under $5,000/year.
That $25,000 represents five years of health insurance premiums for me!
(Actually, if I use actual numbers - not rounded - my share of $7.76 trillion is closer to six years of health insurance premiums!)

1 comment:

The Poetry of Barry G. Wick said...

I'll be glad to write the check from the Social Security money they've taken from me and my employers over the years just so long as I don't have to deal with the government for the rest of my taxes...anything...nobody knocking on my door...etc. That would suit me fine.