Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

I'll start an annual tradition - re-running last year's Thanksgiving post:
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.
It's secular - religious overtones are secondary.
It's American - the rest of world goes on happily without us.

Most of all, for me the basic premise - giving thanks - is a good thing. Yes, I am thankful for my family, for my undeserved good-fortune in life, for friends.

Most of my family is in town. None of us started out here - we all just ended up here. I've 3 sisters. 2 of 'em are in town, with their husbands. My mom is in town. My wife's folks are in town. Her sister & bro-in-law are in town. A sister's sister-in-law is in town. Our kids are in town. My daughter-in-law's folks are in town.

What this means from a Thankgiving perspective is that we enjoy a pretty phenomenal feast each year. Someone volunteers to host - this year it was my son & daughter-in-law. Host is responsible for turkey. Everything else is provided by everyone else. Everyone brings enough to feed everyone.

My bad: I do not feel guilty about this surfeit. I AM thankful!

So: Happy Thanksgiving, with friends & family!
This year bro- and sis-in-law (my wife's sister) are hosting. In addition to standard Thanksgiving, the feast will likely include tamales from a local eatery - sis-in-law Brenda almost always provides these for large gatherings!

Here's hoping you all have reason to give thanks!


Anonymous said...

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P M Prescott said...

Have a good turkey day. True wealth is measured more by family than money. This is the day we all remember that.

Woody (Tokin Librul/Rogue Scholar/ Helluvafella!) said...

Tamales are teh tradicional this time of year. i remember hearing that in the old days, mamas y hitas y tias all got together and made tamales all night long...mebbe that's still going on...i hope so...