Sunday, November 2, 2008

"For he likes to get value for money"

The title is from one of Jack Point's songs in The Yeomen of the Guard by Gilbert & Sullivan.

Regarding the Pentagon's annual budget, I've previously remarked (also here and here):
U.S. taxpayers don't mind paying taxes if they believe they're getting something for the $$$ spent.
It's being ripped off we mostly object to.

I note that Sen. Obama captured this sentiment nicely in his interview with Rachel Maddow:
"One of the most frustrating things over the last eight years has been the ability of George Bush to pile up debt and huge deficits and not have anything to show for it, right?"
Assuming for a moment that Sen. Obama is elected our 44th President, getting a grip on the economy is going to be a priority.

Continued deficit spending is likely in the offing.
To help soften the blow, help sell the public, and perhaps help silence the right-wing 'tax-and-spend' chorus, I suggest ALL Dems adopt Candidate Obama's talking point:
"One of the most frustrating things over the last eight years has been the ability of George Bush to pile up debt and huge deficits and not have anything to show for it, right?"
I'll also point them to Candidate Obama's very next sentence:
"So, if you're going to run deficit spending, then it better be in rebuilding our roads, our bridges, our sewer lines, our water system, laying broadband lines."
Digging ourselves out of W's hole may cost $$$... but we're likely to actually get something in return!

Stop the madness!

1 comment:

P M Prescott said...

Excellent points. It should resonate with Fiscal Conservatives, who are the ones running away from the wingnut controlled Republican party.