Thursday, January 31, 2008

"Good Government", W-style

Anybody remember Katrina, and W's promises to rebuild the devastated Gulf coast?
CDC Suppressed Toxic Trailer Warnings
CBS News: Agency Suppressed Repeated Warnings From Top Scientist About Formaldehyde Fume Dangers
Jan. 28, 2008
CBS News has learned that the Centers for Disease Control, the nation's top public health agency, suppressed repeated warnings from one of its top scientists, raising questions about whether the CDC bowed to pressure from FEMA to conceal the long-term health risks of formaldehyde in the trailers it distributed to hurricane victims - health risks like cancer and birth defects...
Wait! There's more:
Feds OK Mississippi's Katrina grant diversion
$600 million from housing program approved for huge port expansion
By Mike Stuckey
Senior news editor
Jan. 25, 2008
While thousands of Mississippians who lost their homes to Hurricane Katrina remain in FEMA trailers, the federal government on Friday approved a state plan to spend $600 million in grants earmarked for housing on a major expansion of the state-owned port — a project that could eventually include casino and resort facilities.
It just keeps getting better!

This is W's idea of "government" - enriching corporate America at the expense of the citizens, subjugating science to politics.

Again: if any Democratic candidates are listening, here's a wide-open barn door to drive your "homeland security" truck through.

Run on W's record - and make your Republican opponent run on W's record!.

Stop the madness!

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