Monday, January 21, 2008

an inane headline from HuffPost

Ethnic, Race, Male-Female Voting Patterns Deciding The Democratic Nomination

Voting patterns deciding an election? What a concept!

This is akin to my Super Bowl prediction:
The team that scores the most most points will win.
... and while I'm at it, why
Why not,
I'd like to be able to follow up with something like, "In fairness, the article itself presents a well-reasoned analysis of voting patterns across a variety of demographic categories." I'd like to, but I can't. Instead, we get the following:
The percentage of each primary electorate that is female, African American or Latino will be especially crucial to the outcome.

"The worry for the Democrats, I think, is a battle to the end that appears to the inattentive median voter as over identity politics," said Columbia University political scientist Robert Erikson. "Obama could face a danger of appearing as the 'black' candidate or Hillary as the 'women's' candidate."
This isn't analysis, it's words-strung-together-to-look-like-analysis.

I wondered why I never wrote about this stuff before. Now I know: there's nothing to write about!

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