Sunday, January 27, 2008

Very good news!

From C&L:
Obama gets more votes than McCain and Huckabee in South Carolina
By: John Amato on Sunday, January 27th, 2008
(correction) Another huge sweeping victory as far as the total number of voters for the Democratic Party in what has become another important election narrative:

In last week’s SC GOP primary, McCain and Huckabee (the top 2 finishers), got 147,283 and 132,440 votes respectively. That’s a total of 279,723. Obama just pulled down 291,000 by himself.

So the totals are roughly: GOP - 442,918 Dems 530,322
Note: I've not confirmed C&L's count - 443K GOP vs 530K Dem - but am willing to accept the basic conclusion: Dem turn-out was close to 20% higher than GOP! This is consistent with previous results, and augurs well for Nov!

PLEASE REMEMBER: the only poll that counts is the one held on election day, at the polls! Vote!

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