If my html skills were better I'd include the graphic.
Visit The Legacy of George W. Bush's Presidency at the House Democratic Caucus website to get your very own cheat-sheet!
Comparing 20 Jan 2001 with today (after 7 years of W), based on 17 issues grouped in three categories (The Economy, Quality of Life, United States & the World), the chart provides a nice summary of W's "achievements" - everything has gotten worse.
Additionally, the chart is footnoted, providing the sources of the statistics cited - you can look up the numbers yourself!... or look up other numbers of interest to you.
Suggestions: print the cheat-sheet (Printer-friendly Version) and send it to your favorite Dem candidate - for House, for Senate, for Prez. Encourage your favorite Dem candidate to run on W's record, and - more to the point - encourage your favorite Dem candidate to make his/er Republican opponent run on W's record.
Stop the madness!
Earnings on Medium
3 weeks ago
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