Saturday, January 26, 2008

Run on W's record: a handy cheat-sheet from the Congressional Democratic Caucus

If my html skills were better I'd include the graphic.
Visit The Legacy of George W. Bush's Presidency at the House Democratic Caucus website to get your very own cheat-sheet!

Comparing 20 Jan 2001 with today (after 7 years of W), based on 17 issues grouped in three categories (The Economy, Quality of Life, United States & the World), the chart provides a nice summary of W's "achievements" - everything has gotten worse.

Additionally, the chart is footnoted, providing the sources of the statistics cited - you can look up the numbers yourself!... or look up other numbers of interest to you.

Suggestions: print the cheat-sheet (Printer-friendly Version) and send it to your favorite Dem candidate - for House, for Senate, for Prez. Encourage your favorite Dem candidate to run on W's record, and - more to the point - encourage your favorite Dem candidate to make his/er Republican opponent run on W's record.

Stop the madness!

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