Thursday, January 17, 2008

What we have become.

From Think Progress:
Canada puts Gitmo on torture watch list CTV in Canada reported yesterday that it had “obtained documents that put Guantanamo Bay on a torture watch list” created by the Canadian government. The list is part of a “torture awareness workshop” that tells diplomats where to watch for abuse:

The list includes Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, and China. But surprisingly, it also included the United States, Guantanamo Bay, and Israel.

It notes specific “U.S. interrogation techniques,” which include “forced nudity, isolation, and sleep deprivation.” The U.S. has repeatedly denied allegations by international groups that it tortures prisoners captured in places like Afghanistan and Iraq. However, U.S. officials have refused to comment on the Canadian list.
In our name.
We've become pariah.

MR. ROMNEY: ... Some people have said, we ought to close Guantanamo. My view is, we ought to double Guantanamo.
This is one of the very serious Republican candidates for President!

Stop the madness!

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