Wednesday, February 6, 2008

"Compassionate Conservatism" at work [part 2]

This is a continuation of the previous post, with specific suggestions for framing the battle over the extended stimulus package proposed by Senate Dems.

Brief recap:
Republicans join to block stimulus bill
WASHINGTON - The fate of $600-$1,200 rebate checks for more than 100 million Americans is in limbo after Senate Republicans blocked a bid by Democrats to add $44 billion in help for the elderly, disabled veterans, the unemployed and businesses to the House-passed economic aid package.
I expect that W and Senate Republicans will claim the Senate's bill is "fiscally irresponsible", adding $44Bn in "unnecessary" or "unaffordable" extra benefits.

Here's the headline Senate Dems ought juxtapose:
Next Year’s War Costs Estimated at $170 Billion or More
... (anyone want to guess where I'm going with this?)

To date the war in Iraq (Iraq alone, not Iraq & Afghanistan) has cost $100Bn/year.

The frame?
Senate Republicans are happy to fund W's war-of-choice in Iraq for $100Bn/year, and to pay $170Bn next year for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, but believe $44Bn to help the elderly, disabled veterans, and the unemployed here at home is "fiscally irresponsible."
At least force the Republicans to answer the charge!

[note: I'm not sure that I support the expanded stimulus package, but that's not the point. The point is to hold the Republicans publicly responsible for the mess we're in - and to make 'em publicly defend their priorities!]

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