In the wake of the Iowa caucuses I'm finding my resolve to avoid Presidential Primary politics melting away... dissipating, one might say.
Maybe I've said this before. I'm saying it again.
Before W: I really enjoyed presidential election years. I became a presidential campaign politics junkie. In off years I took no interest in politics. None.
Zip. Zero. Zilch.
W has changed that for me. I don't know if I should be grateful or angry: since March 2003 I've been paying attention to politics, government, and what passes for political discourse.
I spent most of my company-provided 8-week sabbatical in 2006 as volunteer for local Congressional candidate... who lost (by 800 votes out of more than 200K cast). I've sent more $ than I can afford to "progressive" Congressional and Senatorial candidates. I now give $ to ACLU. (I've not yet taken out second mortgage on house to support this addiction, and I'm still happily married to a woman who voted for W!)
When this Presidential Campaign cycle started - last May! - I resolved to ignore it. In the past I've found myself hating both major-party candidates by the time Election Day rolled around, and pulled lever for a convenient third-party candidate. I don't want to do this is 2008. The simplest solution is to simply ignore the primaries.
Sadly, Iowa has done me in. The addict's high now consumes me, and I fear I'll be glued to the TV following every primary. Sigh.
I'll do my best to avoid "horse race" posts on this blog... but may succumb. Forgive me.
Earnings on Medium
3 weeks ago
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